The number of confirmed COVID-19 patients are rising.
Our frontliners are at risk because there are not enough PPEs.
More so, the government is not providing enough for our kababayan who are kapos.
And the list goes on…Could it get any worse?
I know! I can feel your frustration from here.
I know it’s your civic duty to assess where you are in this difficult situation. But let me remind you that you can check your social media platforms without putting a toll on your mental health.
We still have a long way to go. Even after the enhanced community quarantine, we will still encounter uncertainties along the way. So, here are three quick tips you can do every day to keep your mental health in check:
1. Regulate your dose of social media
Social media serve as a multi-purpose tool. During this quarantine, we have lots of idle time, and these platforms keep us informed and entertained. So, it might be silly of me to ask you to uninstall Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram.
What you can do instead is check your social media at specific times and/or intervals. For example, you can open these apps only from 1-3:00 PM. This way, you can still be informed while not being anxious all the time. If you set boundaries for checking social media, you can regulate the time spent on your stressors. Less time, fewer worries.
2. Count to 10 before you react or comment on that post
It’s already 1:00 PM. Time to check your social media. Now you're here reading posts, watching videos. As you scroll down, you see a post that doesn’t share the same sentiments as you. It’s baffling. You head down the comments to debunk the poster’s arguments.
Count to 10.
Calm your nerves.
Ask the following: Is this legitimate information, not fake news? Is this not a troll account? Don't waste your time responding to fake news or trolls. You can report them instead.
If it's the other way around, respond in a calm manner. Counting to 10 is a good method to manage anger. Process the information rationally then agree or disagree. With a cool head, you can voice out your opinion or concern while keeping your emotions under control. You can also have a solid argument because you processed the information in a logical manner.
3. Consume different media
Social media is a source of instant information. News is one click away. But it’s a double-edged sword that we should know how to control. Once your social media time is up, turn to different media to avoid boredom.
While you may not have Netflix or TV to keep you entertained outside your social media time, you have different alternatives to keep your brain stimulated. Play games, solve puzzles, or learn something new.
We're still lucky this quarantine period! Different companies have opened their premium content for free for everyone.
For me, reading is still the best.
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